Posts Tagged ‘MSN’

Hot Air Balloon Costume

CostumesThis is just really cute. It seems like a lot of work, though. This hot air balloon costume comes in a slideshow with all sorts of DIY costumes from MSN – complete instructions are included. But this is by far the most original.

How Disneyland has Changed

I have been visiting Disneyland steadily for over 45 years now, and remember when the phrase “E-ticket ride” meant the best of the best.  I have witnessed firsthand many of the changes listed in 10 Things I Miss About Disneyland from MSN. 

I agree with the sentiment that Abraham Lincoln was sorely missed and I rejoice that they brought him back.  I also miss the Skyway and the Carousel of Tomorrow.  See where your favorites have gone and tell me about what you miss.

Parody Videos

If Lady Gaga Wasn’t a Celebrity. Obviously I’m too old to “get” Lady Gaga in the first place. But this parody video shows that at least I’m not alone.

The Bubble on MSN has an entire category devoted to parodies, just in case you have time on your hands.

Messages for Generations of Women

I found an extraordinary essay by Courtney E Martin titled Anything or Everything?  This thoughtful article explores the idea that girls and young women are told that they CAN be anything, but are often modeled behavior that says they HAVE TO be everything.  It is a short first person narrative that is worth two minutes of your time.

The MSN Dove Real Women website is a favorite of mine.  I have watched them steadfastly support the idea that real women and real beauty cannot be defined by the media or any other external force.  Yes, they sell products.  But in identifying and sustaining not just their target audience, but all the future generations of that audience, they must champion a message that will continue to be convincing for ages.  They could not have picked a better one.

Fitting Beauty Routines Into Commercial Breaks

I am not one of those fussy girly type girls; I just never have been.  So my opinion is not yet formed about the relatively new Glo website from MSN.  It’s sort of a middle-income GOOP knock off.  They have lots of articles about celebrity hairstyles, professional models and luxury items that you can buy for less than $100.

Tonight I found an article that I was fully prepared to scoff at.  But, believe it or not, when I read it I thought, “I could probably do that.”  Commercial Break Beauty:  Have a Mini Spa Moment While You Watch TV.  I know, it sounds hokey.

They have the routine nicely timed out and it involves minimal fuss.  Now, I don’t have any of the fancier products that they prominently mention.  But buried in my bathroom I do have variations of face creams and nail cuticle treatments that would make decent stand-ins.  And most of their treatment suggestions are things I would like to do but never seem to make the time.  At least with the hour long routine planned for me I could keep on track.

Pretty much everyone I know has at least one favorite show each week.  It is a guilty pleasure.  Now I just have to decide if I want to use my guilty pleasure time for multi-tasking.

The Historic Value of Tweets

Did you know that the U.S. Library of Congress is archiving every single tweet since the service began in 2006?  I didn’t know that.  And I find it extraordinary.  There was an article on MSN today that cataloged the most significant tweets, and asks us all to vote on their historical value.

My feeling is that Connor Riley, aka the “Cisco Fatty” story, stood out in my mind as the pivotal cautionary tale of using social media.  But she has so far gotten less votes than Ashton Kutcher’s “wifey” post. 

Public opinion seems to be going with serious significant world events:  the Iran election protests and the Hudson river emergency plane landing.  Good.  I consider that a positive thing.