Posts Tagged ‘The Phantom Tollbooth’

One Simple Answer Will Give Books to Children

The question is:  What book has had the greatest impact on your life?

The Phantom Tollbooth Made a Difference to MeAll you have to do is visit THIS SITE and leave a comment with your answer to the question.  Please, please, please, please, please don’t make me beg.  If you are a member of Blogher or Facebook, this will take no time at all.  It will be your own extraordinary moment.

From May 3-28, BlogHer and BookRenter are collaborating on a campaign to donate books to children who need them most, utilizing the nonprofit organization First Book.  They will donate up to 1000 books.  That’s a lot.

For those of you that are regular readers, you know that I submitted The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster.  I am a one-woman evangelist movement for the wonders of that story.

A Children’s Book for the Whole Family

There is a book I read to any younger members of my family every year: The Phantom Tollbooth, written by Norton Juster.  It is a Yearling book, an imprint of Random House, and has an Appreciation note by Maurice Sendak.  Taken together that is pretty powerful stuff.  And yet I often find adults that have never heard of it.

What is extraordinary about this book is that, whilst I read to younger ones, the older ones will almost always wander into earshot.  Even the adults that live in the house will find a moment to cozy up to us.  The book truly is timeless, and it genuinely holds the interest of any age.  Despite my having read it for my entire life (literally), I always manage to see something new.

This book is currently in print and easily located.  It is well worth the time, no matter what age is listening.